Here's the story of why I'm riding across america

Hello, I’m Dave Nowlan. I cycled from Encinitas, Calif., to Cape Cod, Mass. from April 22 through May 28, 2012 in an effort to raise awareness of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and to help fund research for a cure. My wife, Claire, and daughter, Julia, both have MS. I broke my back in a sledding accident almost three years ago; I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have recovered without being paralyzed and was able to ride this long cross continent adventure. Click on this link to “my story” for more information and why I continue riding. Here is a link to Information about MS

Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 9 Continental Divide

Today we reached New Mexico and transitioned to Mountain time zone.  Claire took a short side trip to Red Rock Park, which was cool.  I stayed more focused on riding today as it was a slow start, but today's route got me off the Interstate for much of today.  We were on Route 66 through Gallup NM for about 20 miles.  For the most part on RT 66 I passed through mostly quiet ghost towns that died after RT 40 was built and drivers could travel further distances at higher speeds bypassing many of these towns.

Today's big moment was crossing the Contential Divide, where east of this line all the water flows into the Atlantic and west of this line water flows into the Pacific.  The climb was not too bad compared to the climb out of Bullhead City AZ.  After crossing the divide I was able to get off the Interstate and was able to stay on side roads for the rest of the day.  This was a welcomed change with little traffic, and yes we ended up back of Rt 66 again.

Today's ride ended in Grants NM totaling about 83 miles.  Good news! The GPS application decided to send the link of today's ride map so here it is.  Hopefully this will continue.


  1. It's been highly entertaining following you two. Keep up the good work!

  2. Dave and Claire, you are an inspiration to us all. You have passed through some very scenic parts of our country and I am sure met many great people along the way. Keep riding for that cure!

  3. Really cool crossing and seeing the Great Divide on two wheels! It appears you're on track with all the mileage your riding per day - enjoy the scenery and keep on truckin'... ~Vic

  4. Your doing great Dave. I hope your GPS app keeps functioning - it really accentuates the amazing challenge you face each day. Look forward to your progress every day!

  5. Hi Dave. I just read the blog for the first several days of your trip. I love singing the song Route 66 with my band B4, but seeing all of this landmark places mentioned in the song gives me a new appreciation of all these different places. Great job on the road and in the blog.

  6. Hi Dave and Claire!

    We are loving the blog! You guys are doing such a great job. Charles and I look forward to reading it everday! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us :)

    Love you - Krystel and Charles

  7. Hi Dave and Claire,

    Dave - thanks for the voice mail! Glad to hear you are enjoying the trip. I will be the sole Rollin Nowlan this year but I'll try to do the team proud. Do you have any message that you would like me to convey to the organizers? They might like to hear from you too. I'll have my phone with me on the ride so feel free to call if you are taking a break at some point. My ride will start at 10:00 AM.

    Keep it up man! We're all pulling for you here at Dialogic!!


  8. Well done Dave! I love New Mexico enjoy the scenery and peddle on... ~V

  9. Dave - This is so much fun following you and Claire. You are doing an extraordinary thing by not only riding but sharing your story for all of us arm-chair riders. Thank you!!!

